Sunday, October 13, 2013

Yesterday I woke up and realized I was a Product Owner.

Well, not yesterday. But I have had a recent revelation that I am no longer an engineer. And I'm not sure if I can ever really go back, even if I were to write production code again (I'm always writing code, but at this point it's more of a hobby than anything).

My journey into product ownership began innocently enough when I assumed technical leadership for a set of services built around Hadoop and other NoSQL Platforms -- the Enterprise Data Platform I've posted about before --  and has taken over a year. In that year I have transitioned from a person that provides purely technical solutions to a product owner. What's the difference? To me it is simple: a technologist implements solutions the best way they possibly can to address a perceived problem. A product owner makes sure that the  problem being solved actually matters to someone. Preferably before the technologist gets too far down the solution path.

In my last post I talked a lot about secondary vs primary value propositions. The Enterprise Data Platform I have been working on as a technologist is a group of services have secondary value propositions. The technologies used to solve them are definitely awesome.  But that's irrelevant. As a product owner I've got to make sure that those problems are worth solving to someone, because there is a significant investment of time and resources required to solve problems. Even if the solutions to those problems don't end up getting used. 

Nothing is more frustrating than burning effort on a solution that goes nowhere. Especially if that time was spent crafting a robust, scalable, well tested, well documented implementation of that solution. It's frustrating because that work resulted in a solution that either no one understood or no one wanted. In fact it was my frustration with having been through the good solution/bad product cycle several times that made me take the jump from technologist -- one of the people that implements solutions -- to product owner -- one of the people who decides whether implementation is worth it.

One of the hardest things about transitioning to a product owner from a purely technical role is being able to distinguish whether I should be doing something because I can, or because it solves a problem that people actually have. This is hard for me because as a technologist I tend to get sucked into solving hard problems before asking whether those problems should actually been solved. Ironically I've found that the best technologists I've worked with are the ones that stand back, ask the bigger picture questions, and use the answers to implement elegant, concise solutions.

Product owners need to do the same thing. I think the main job of a product owner is to learn what product the customer base really wants. Instead of plowing ahead with user stories and a feature roadmap, the best product owners I've seen are the ones that can step back from that process and ask the bigger picture questions, and use the answers to make a better product.

Answering big picture questions correctly allows product owners to fail fast -- throw away features that aren't working and iterate towards ones that do. And before doing any of that, the best product owners I know are the ones that can articulate the real value proposition of any effort before embarking on it. They may not know what or how they are going to deliver the effort, but they've nailed why the effort is worth making or not.

In my Product Owner self education, I've learned (from lots of reading and even more bleeding)  that clearly articulating the value proposition and true effort cost is critical to understand whether the effort is worth exploring and sell that exploration process to the people financing it and the people working on it. One of the best things I've found to help clarify product vision is this product canvas from Shardul Metha.

I've been going through our product suite with this product canvas. That process, while painful, has clarified why we should continue doing certain things and why we should stop doing others.

The interesting thing about the canvas is that everything is linked.  Here are some examples of what  I mean:

  1. If Key Success Metrics don't link back to the Value Proposition through the Solution, it doesn't matter how obvious they are, they're wrong. 
  2. If you don't have viable Channels, no executive is going to sign up to be a Key Stakeholder, and it's going to be hard to find a customer that could be a champion. 
  3. If the Value Proposition doesn't address the problems that customers have more efficiently than the alternatives, the Business Value of the effort is weak. 
  4. An ill defined or prohibitively expensive Cost Structure can weaken the best Value Proposition as well because Business Value will be reduced.

Because everything is linked, I find myself revisiting what I had thought was 'obvious' or at least 'set'. Like the Value Prop. Or the Customer. Or even the Problem. But after several cycles what comes out of the other side is either very strong or very weak. This makes deciding which efforts to pursue much easier.

Back to my original problem: I'm selling secondary solutions. The product canvas helps by allowing me to clarify the customer I'm helping, the problem they have, my specific value proposition, and how I would go about fulfilling that value proposition. I've found that for these secondary solutions, linking them to primary solutions is critical. An example:

We've been working on a reliable data delivery service that allows engineering teams to stream their data into different endpoints. Teams can build in 'routing directions' to the data they send that will enable it to land in HDFS, Mongo, Cassandra, ElasticSearch, and other endpoints. That is technically very cool. But we have not been able to clearly articulate why we would do something like this to our leadership because as technologists, the advantage of having something like this as a service is obvious. Namely, people could reuse this service instead of building a custom one.

As a product owner I get a chance to look at the solution from another point of view. What problem am I trying to solve?  How much does it cost to stand up and run? Are there commercial alternatives that we would be better of using? Can I find someone that is willing to try it and work with them to load test it? What other teams do I need to deliver it? Who do I need to sponsor it? And how am I going to get people to use it? For the a secondary solution like this, perhaps the most important question to answer is: what primary problems would be easier to solve if this existed today, and how does that benefit the business? 

None of those questions have anything to do how we are solving the problem. But they are the minimum set of questions that need to be answered to justify continuing this effort. And, had I been as educated when we had started the effort, this is the minimum set of questions that we would have asked prior to doing any work. The anwers to these questions laid out in product canvas form would have been a decision making compass -- when confronted with choice A vs choice B, the product canvas would have given us the tools to make the best decision.

I think that this approach is fundamentally right, but it is one that I am only just starting. The product canvas approach -- clarifying why before what and how--  is obviously the first foundational step in delivering a valuable product. Our teams are going through this journey, and my hope is to write down what is working, and what isn't, as we now try to deliver products whose value proposition we clearly understand :) 

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